As has been pointed out a number of times, this blog is rapidly turning into a tiny bit of a rant; or at least something of "soapbox corner" (think of it as my therapy!) but yesterday I was left wondering what is the next level down from a soapbox? (technically speaking, I guess its the ground, but you know what I mean)...maybe an "Its a Shame" Step...
We shot a wonderful wedding in the Cotswolds yesterday; the couple were lovely, 200 friendly guests and a church that was borderline Catherdral it was so spectacular - really beautiful, indeed everything a church wedding should be.
Except that the vicar refused permission for pictures to be taken during the service....so when the bride & groom look back on their photos the most important part of the day will be missing. The nervous looks, the father giving his daughter away, the exchange of rings, the first kiss, the joy of the occasion all missing. And by and large, it is a C of E issue; Roman Catholics are incredibly welcoming and really want to share the service and experience, Methodist services the same - but venture into a C of E church and it becomes a lottery. Some churches are wonderful, with a ready welcome and are a real joy to experience (All Saints in Clevedon as a great example of the warm welcome extended to visitors) but others are noticeably less so.
Photography in church is always a delicate balance - after all, it is hugely distracting to see a photographer moving around or firing a flash or intruding on the occasion in any way. But those of you reading this whose weddings we captured, will know how discreet we can be - no flash, no moving around and considerable respect for the occasion. So this isn't a rant as such, or even a soapbox moment - but it is such a shame that some vicars don't reflect upon the legacy that images from the service produce and who can't find the a compromise that maintains the integrity of the occasion without depriving the couple of such wonderful memories.
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