Firstly, I mentioned a couple of posts ago that there are lots of changes in motion for 2011 and that I would be letting you know what was going on over the coming months... well, to help the 'search' facility, I'll start each of these with '2011' in the title bar... hopefully, this will make it easier to find.
So, new albums... I'm really pleased to announce that we have just signed up with Graphi Studio to produce our book style albums. For those of you unfamiliar with these albums, the printing is direct onto the page, so it produces a very modern, contemporary presentation for wedding and portrait photographs. Best of all is the ability to print a picture across a double page spread, so pictures can be used much, much bigger than in a regular album - so loads of impact. We have a great sample here from one of our weddings at The Royal Crescent Hotel in Bath, which will be on display at our wedding fairs this month.
Now, I know that this style of album has been around for a while, but I've always resisted using them because there are so many dreadful alternatives out there. Just because it is now possible to make photo books doesn't mean that its right for a polite society; I've seen so many versions where the pictures have looked second rate and its only the gimmicks offered by the album that makes the product even remotely usable. BUT when I saw what Graphi Studio produced, I have to say I was blown away - the quality is first class - both in the construction of the album (after all, the stitching and binding has to be top quality to hold together as you share your pictures with family & friends) but the print quality too was supberb.
So we are still offering the jorgensen albums for those who prefer a more traditional approach, but have the option of the very best in book albums for people looking for something a little different. Hooray!