Monday, 23 August 2010

Andrew Jackson Photography - "The Best!"

Compliments come in many shapes & sizes, but we had a lovely one this weekend... the best man at the wedding (actually, strictly speaking one of two - its about times the guys balanced the armies of bridesmaids!) said that he had been to eight weddings in the past twelve months and we were definately the best photographers... so in a wholly unscientific survey, when sampled against seven other unspecified photographers, measured against no objective critria, we are the best! Okay, so its not the most scientific bit of research, but 'best' is best, so we were happy!!!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Getting Bigger All The Time!

My previous blog has only been up for a matter of hours and already a few people have suggested that 'Andrew Jackson Photography is getting bigger' is a reference to my wasitline... well, actually its both the waistline and the business, so there!!!

Andrew Jackson Photography is getting bigger!

As always, apologies for the rather rubbish attempt to keep up to date with blogs - only excuse is that the past few weeks have been spent having some very interesting conversations....

At this stage, I can't quite announce all the changes happening to the business, except to tease you with the thought that our business plan is entitled 'World Domination 2011'... To be fair its starts modestly enough with domination of the South West but its good to know the bigger picture! But whilst we fine tune the details, we do need to recruit some new bods to the team.

We have two vacancies: the first is a Studio Manager (likely to be full time, but happy to consider part-time / job share, etc) and the second is for a part-time photographer. Obviously, both roles require a strong focus on looking after our clients - we pride ourselves on being friendly and accessible (well, that's the aim - if we fall short you are allowed to say... no one likes having negative feedback, but better to know so that we can amend our ways!) and both require weekend working. If you are interested, in the first instance please send a CV to Andrew at

And I'll try to get the next blog posted a bit quicker!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Charity Donations

I'm just back from a networking breakfast (how many of these posts revolve around me eating & drinking somewhere???) and an interesting thought came up... The breakfast is £9 and the hosts asks that rather than give change that the £1 goes in the pot for charity. Today we raised £50 which seemed a lovely bonus from an event that is not 'fund raising' in the traditional sense. It posed the question whether I should try something similar - if each transaction - each reprint, wedding booking, portrait booking, etc that went through the business carried an optional £1 donation, which my business then 'price matched', we would get to a reasonable size donation without a great deal effort or pain!

But of course, people like the choice of where their money goes and it can put people on the spot if a donation is asked for... so what do you think? A great fund raising idea or best not to mix business and charity / fund raising? Do let me know...